A few of my fav things from etsy. If you want a link to their shop let me know.






Happy New Year!!!





Now that I am almost done with this semester and I back to work improving my Etsy store. I am currently working on a few new paintings and of course, shopping for new vintage stuff. Today I found some amazing things! I couldn’t believe my luck! I guess it was just one of those days. Now I have been taking pictures and measuring things and listing them. It is eating my time away but I love doing it! I have a few pictures of purses listed below that are now at my shoppe! (P.S. I love spelling shop – shoppe).



I hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving. We had Thanksgiving at my house for the first time. It was nice. The food turned out great and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves. Today, though, I will be enjoying Thanksgiving part 2 with some extended family. Right now, I am enjoying my photoshop creations. I am so happy that I can so the mirror image thing! Oh man, I foresee spending hours with this!




Now that I own a house I actually want to decorate the house with super cute christmas stuff! I want to buy some etsy ornaments. I think I may get a few for gifts!! Below are a few of my favs.





I got my glasses and I have been busy rocking them round town and my work. Overall people seem to enjoy them and I love them! I got some pics below with and without my new glasses.




I am beyond happy to report that I have purchased some new glasses. I should get them in a week.

I wish it did but in less then 1 week I sold another art piece. Now my art etsy shop looks empty. I am filling it back up with some oldies but goodies pieces. Currently I am working a few ideas at once. I wish I could make a living at this because there is SO MUCH I need to do and so little time to do it. I feel like if I had more time to complete my ideas as they come and move on to the next one, that I could make somewhat of a living off my art. Maybe I can get to the point where I can work part time! Below is a pic of my recent sell.

Today we seeded the law and planted some flowers. It was so much work to seed it but I am happy it is done and hopefully we will have a cute winter lawn.

a dress form!! After my sis couldn’t model for me I figured it was time to get a dress form. I would still like her to model some of the clothes but it will be way nice to have the dress form. That way when I buy super awesome dresses and other clothes I can put them up on my Etsy asap. 

About Me

I like to travel (this includes day road trips), taking photos with my Canon S5IS, painting, and watching Freaks and Geeks. I also spend time with my lil doggie.